Tuesday, May 18, 2010

update: this sucks!!

but really, I'm not loving this. I am getting super discouraged! I lost so much the first 2 weeks and was doing so good, but it's been another two weeks and I havne't seen a bit of progress. Last week I dislocated my knee and I had to put my daily walks on hold, I'm sure that didn't help at all. So today was my first day back walking and you'd think I hadn't walked in years....holy cow, I was dying after 1 block. Hopefully the rain will stay away, my knee will continue to heal and I'll finally see some results. If not, I'm quitting life this stupid diet!


  1. Come on you can do it!!! I'll walk with you whenever and you are looking great!!

  2. Don't quit!!!!!! You can do it! Can you do a rowing machine or something that doesn't use your knee? You can do it Sarah!

    I know it sounds cheesy but the Suzanne Somers diet (she put out a couple of books) works really well. My whole family has tried it, and my sister's x-boyfriend lost a TON of weight on it.

    So if you feel like mixing things up a little you might want to try that diet instead. She is all about not mixing protein and carbs. You can eat all you want, but you can't mix the two. (And of course no sugar, etc.)

    Anyways... you are just on a little plateau... don't quit!

  3. You should use your last blog post as a mantra! Keep going!

  4. Sarah,
    You can do it! I know the battle you're in and I can't say I've quite won it, but at least am keeping it at bay for the time being. I have struggled my whole life with food and an unhealthy relationship with it. My only real salvation is that I love to exercise, but it has taken a long time to be able to say that. I am a huge believer in lifestyle diet/exercise plan. You need to have success and often, so lowering expectations can be huge. With kids, if mama is hungry she is a beast, so I would choose to not be hungry (i.e. have a higher calorie intake), but squeeze in another day of exercise. Be realistic with yourself, challenge is good, but success is vital to sticking with it. Find a class at the gym (I hear you're in there now) that you commit to going to every week, so you feel like you have a standing date. Even if it's really mellow, it will help you to make a routine for yourself.
    Wow, sorry to ramble, but I totally know what you're going through and would love to talk any time. Both success and failure mean you're at least choosing to be in the battle.

  5. wow, i just realized you posted this in may. I haven't gone into the blogosphere in ages. Oh well, hope you were still encouraged.
