Tuesday, May 18, 2010

update: this sucks!!

but really, I'm not loving this. I am getting super discouraged! I lost so much the first 2 weeks and was doing so good, but it's been another two weeks and I havne't seen a bit of progress. Last week I dislocated my knee and I had to put my daily walks on hold, I'm sure that didn't help at all. So today was my first day back walking and you'd think I hadn't walked in years....holy cow, I was dying after 1 block. Hopefully the rain will stay away, my knee will continue to heal and I'll finally see some results. If not, I'm quitting life this stupid diet!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

red pepper soup

here's my version of red pepper soup, in 5 ingredients.

first, chop the clean peppers, I like to chop them in quarters, just works best for me. I also spray them with olive oil spray, helps everything brown up well. Next bake them at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or until nice and soft.

This is what they look like all roasted and sweet. Place them in a plastic bag or paper bag to steam.
After they cool, you have to peel of the skin, it's really easy and totally worth it, the skin is where all the bitterness is.
I like to puree them in the blender, it seems to work better than the food processor. This is as smooth as I've ever made it. This is where I added the cans of italian style tomatoes, I really don't like chunks in my soup.
Then I add the goat cheese (about 3 oz.) and 1/2 cup fat free half and half and 3 cups broth or stock...I had chicken but veggie works great.

Mix, heat through.....and enjoy!